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7 Indian Kitchen Design Cleaning Hacks

The kitchen is undoubtedly the favorite hangout spot for most of the family members. This place produces enormous and delicious meals for routine cooking as well as family get-togethers. From baking cookies, hosting tea parties and serving delicacies to the guests, our kitchen often becomes cluttered and unkempt. Here are some quick tips to clean your Indian kitchen design without investing much of your time.

Deep-Clean your Fridge

A fridge is the most used appliance in our home. We frequently visit it to calm our hunger drives and midnight cravings. Needless to say, it becomes messy with dishes, spillovers, etc. But, no worries, you can easily deep clean your fridge weekly or biweekly. Take all the shelves out, give them a good wash and place them back. Sort out the food items to be put back or discarded. Similarly, you can clean the sides and shelves using a sponge dipped in a mixture of soap and hot water.

Deep-Clean your Fridge

You can use fridge-mats on your fridge shelves to keep them clean and to give an attractive look to the fridge. They are available in many colors and patterns. Organize all fruits, snacks, veggies and leftover food items in separate containers to give your fridge a clean and organized look.

Declutter the Kitchen Countertops

Kitchen Countertops

Kitchen countertops are the busiest spot in the kitchen. From baking cakes to preparing delicious meals for the family, you want all the essentials on the countertop. And that’s going to require lots of space. So it’s important to declutter your countertops before starting to cook anything.

Kitchen Countertops Cleaning

You can remove the extra appliances, decorative pieces or other space-occupying objects. Instead, keep essential tools like spoons, spatulas, knives, handy, etc.

Check and Replace Water Filters

If you haven’t replaced your water filters for quite a while, it’s time to do it now. It is essential to get the filters of your water purifiers cleaned periodically or replaced annually. Keep a record of these as it’s a step in taking care of the health of your family.

Replace Water Filters

Clean Daily Use Appliances

Though cleaning the daily use appliances may not be your priority, it requires equal attention. Microwave touchpad, mixer, toaster, sandwich maker, etc., may be a contaminated spot due to its frequent use, regular cleaning can save you from cross-contamination.

You can easily clean all the appliances using a damp cloth. This one-minute tip can help you get a clean and healthy kitchen.

Indian kitchen Design

Clean your Stovetop

Your stovetop is undoubtedly the most used thing in the kitchen. It is where the actual cooking takes place. You can de-grease it by sprinkling a solution of soap and water. Allow it to stand for five minutes then remove the grease with the help of a sponge.

Clean your Stovetop

Organize your Pantry

Speed cleaning your pantry is another way to make your meal preparations easier. You can start with throwing away all the expired products, followed by strategic placement of all the items. Additionally, you need to check groceries and pantry products weekly and use the ones that are about to expire. It will lead to less wastage and can protect your groceries from pest infestation.

Deep-Clean the Kitchen Floor

The kitchen floor might get neglected sometimes, but now it’s time to deep-clean your floor. There are numerous options for deep cleaning. For example: If you have vinyl floors, you can clean them with a solution of vinegar+dish soap+water.

And if you have stone/ marble floors you can opt for a simple microfiber mop. Moreover, a steam cleaner is also a good option if you really want to get rid of bacteria and stains. So whether it’s spilt milk, spices, oil stains or grocery bits creating havoc in your kitchen, you can easily have a clean kitchen by following these effective tips regularly.