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painting the walls

What’s Better: Painting The Walls or Wallpapers?

Whenever you want to take a group picture with your friends and family, you always look for the best wall in the house but does it not happen that the walls don’t make a good background at all and we just make do with a not so great snap?! This is a sign telling you that you need to do something about the walls. Adding colors to a house is always a great idea to make it a more fun place. However, you want to make sure, your house doesn’t look like a kaleidoscope with a different pattern on every wall! Only question left now, whether you should opt painting the walls or go for wallpapers?

Back in the day, women used to decorate the walls of their mud houses and put in a lot of effort and time. Today it’s become effortless with the advancement in technology although it is as confusing at the same time with a million options to choose from. With wallpapers in the trend and paints being used for new designs, it has become a tough choice. How do you decide between the two?

While making the decision, you need to keep in mind various factors such as durability, cost, application, etc. Let’s understand each factor in detail.


Well, neither of the two options has an upper hand here. Both paint and wallpapers have a broad variety. Paint is available in all the colors existing on earth. It is not only limited to colors. There are options in the finishing as well, for example, matt finish or a glossy look. The outcome from a combination of textures and colors is a vision of loveliness.

Painting the walls
Image source: Pinterest

Similarly, wallpapers are available in different patterns, textures, colors, and designs. Just like paint, there are many types of wallpaper. Some examples may be printed wallpaper, vinyl wallpaper, foil wallpaper, flock wallpaper, mylar wallpaper, and bamboo wallpaper. Checkout these hacks to style your rooms better!

Painting the walls
Image source: Pinterest

Has it left you even more confused? Let’s look at the other elements.


Applying wallpaper is not a piece of cake. An expert has to be called to do the job. It requires time and perseverance. Just in case the result doesn’t come out as you had expected it to be, it will require the same time and effort to remove it. Even a new wallpaper cannot be applied without removing the old one. Also, discover wall decor ideas for your house that are sure to add style.

painting the walls
Image source: Pinterest

Painting the wall on the other hand is easier in comparison to wallpaper. You may or may not call someone as it can be done by you. Although the time taken for the whole process is more than the time needed for applying wallpaper, the work is easier. A new coat of paint can be applied over an old one in case of any inconvenience. Removing paint is a tough job. First, the old paint needs to be scraped down and then the walls have to be made smooth for the re-application.


If you are living on rent for about 5 years, then painting the house is a better option. Paint tends to fade and it even wears out over time. The house needs to be repainted every 2-3 years, especially if the color is lighter.

painting the walls
Image source: Pinterest

In the long run, wallpapers are the right fit. The wallpaper will be worth the investment as it will last for many years. When installed by an expert, it is not prone to wear and tear and is thus more durable than paints.


A proper conclusion cannot be drawn as to whether painting the wall or wallpaper is costlier. It depends on the type and quality of the paint. As painting requires less effort it is relatively cheaper than wallpaper. However, since you have to get it redone once in a few years, it can turn out to be costly. Wallpaper is usually a once-in-a-lifetime investment and works best in the long run. As the amount of work is more on the wallpaper, it is costly but worth the money.

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