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Home Renovation

6 Smart Money Tips to Slay your Home Renovation

You have to live with your choices in home interiors for a long time! Be informed about where to save and where to spend.

Home Renovation

Image Source: Unsplash

Home renovation doesn’t mean fixing your home’s faucets or doing roof repairs. Instead, it helps to make your home more attractive and comfortable. While renovating your home, your mind keeps on swinging between where you should spend your hard-earned money and where you should cut costs. A home renovation adds value to your home, but it can get out of control if you don’t calculate your budget. Sticking to a budget is always a daunting task. Creating a budget requires mindful planning and a lot of research.

First, you’ll need to pin down your priorities and, to keep your renovation budget from running out, it’s a good idea to evaluate whether to spend or save on these high-ticket articles.

Assorted Tiles: Save

Home renovation

Image Source: Unsplash

Flooring is the foundation of any beautiful home. It adds a feather to the entire decor of a home. Flooring has a significant impact on the look of a home, and it is not easy to replace. So whether you are looking at tiles, wood, or carpet, choose the best economical option.

Mismatched graphic tiles add an attractive visual appeal to any space. But anything offbeat will almost always be expensive and can be difficult to match if you need more later. So stick to plain tiles, which are less trendy but durable. When selecting flooring, choose a readily available size and color scheme. Here’s an article on selecting the right wallpaper for your home.

Kitchen Backsplash/ Backpanel: Save

Home renovation

Image Source: Unsplash

You might be wondering what a kitchen backsplash is? It is a straight surface designed to shield the wall behind a stove or countertop. It protects the wall behind the sink from water damage from unexpected splashes.

So are you lured to pictures of panoramic kitchens with jazzy backsplashes? Since most homes have modular kitchens, it may not be worth spending more to acquire this more modest aesthetic feature. Cleanliness is of utmost importance. After all, the kitchen is the heart of a home. Choosing tiles with fewer groves will be easier to maintain. The straight tiled design makes it maintenance-friendly and gives a more graceful look. It is true that even without this decorative element, your kitchen will function as before. Checkout this guide to keep your kitchen organised!

Wall Renovation: Spend

Home renovation

Image Source: Unsplash

A house is made of bricks and beams, and the only visible part is the walls. So why not accentuate the walls be it the bed back wall, dining room, living room foyer area.! Why not accentuate the walls and give them new life? There are many types of wallpaper featuring rich colors and patterns. It means you can experiment with paints, materials, and patterns on your walls without committing to completely changing the foundation of the room. It changes the whole feel of a home, and it gives you a pleasant experience. Wall renovation is desirable so we suggest you spend!

Low Height / Platform Bed: Save

Home renovation

Image Source: Pinterest

Imagine that a bed without a base almost affixed to the floor looks quite appealing. But when you are older or pregnant, it is uncomfortable and even more problematic to get out of this bed every day. However, platform beds provide strength, fitness, and a supportive level of support for sleep. But still, the bed, with a raised platform, offers hidden storage compartments and achieves a similar look.

Dressing Room: Spend

Home renovation

Image Source: Pinterest

A dressing room is an excellent investment if you are blessed with the luxury of extra space in the home. Its main feature is that it stores clothes well and allows heavy things out of sight. As a result, it changes the whole feel of a home, giving you a pleasant experience. In addition, it is a fantastic way to keep vacuum cleaners, accessories, ironing boards, or any oddly shaped items to maximize space. Who does not want to have a nice dressing area to get ready every morning and head out for the day. It gives you confidence and positivity for a start!

Bathtub: Save

Home renovation

Image Source: Pinterest

The bathtub brings a smile to everyone’s face. Sure, soaking in the bathtub is relaxing and gives you a feeling of a spa. If you cannot go out somewhere for the weekend, then you can easily relish your weekend at home. But you don’t plan to do it every day, so definitely choose great-looking accessories for the bathroom like showerheads, sinks, or faucets that will enhance the look of your washroom and can give the bathtub a miss if not on the priority list!

Be happy with your decisions, do spend on what matters in the long run but save on what might not appeal for very long and just gives some initial excitement.

Planning, researching, and scheduling are vital elements of the home renovation and will help you in your choices and decisions. For more such great tips, checkout these tips to slay your home renovation!

Visit our magazine for more such tips and tricks for building the perfect home for you and your family!