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false ceiling design

6 False Ceiling Design Mistakes that you can Avoid

Because of their beauty and ability to beautify a space, false ceiling design alternatives remain a popular choice for most homes these days. A false ceiling, for those who are unfamiliar, is a suspended ceiling that conceals all defective places of open cables and pipelines. Is a false ceiling, on the other hand, safe? False ceilings, according to many experts, have more drawbacks than advantages.

Ceilings used to be high and unreachable in the earlier days. The usage of the false ceiling has become more widespread as a result of the increased use of air conditioning and heavy-duty lighting. False ceilings were once only seen in commercial buildings, but they are now found in almost every home. Additionally, false ceiling contractors are currently adopting more attractive designs to increase their appeal.

READ MORE: Designer False Ceiling – Pros and Cons

While it is obvious that false ceilings add to the overall charm of your home’s interior design, they also come with several risks.

dining room false ceiling design
Image source: Pinterest

False Ceiling Design Mistakes that you can Avoid

1. The Height that is Frequently Overlooked

false ceiling design ideas for bedroom

When considering a drop/false ceiling design, make sure the distance between the floor and the false ceiling level is sufficient for Gypsum false ceiling fitting without creating a claustrophobic atmosphere. It should be sufficient to accommodate lights and amenities while still providing a sense of openness and space.

2. Maintenance is Required

The false ceiling is just an additional suspended ceiling from the main ceiling. Because of the heavy lighting and wiring placed and hidden in the false ceiling, constant cleaning is required. The weight of the hidden ducts and wires may cause the false ceiling design elements to fall if they are lightweight and not durable enough.

If you have a false ceiling design made of wood or metal, moisture collecting may be a concern. The metal false ceilings may rust, while the wooden ones may attract termites. Furthermore, after a few years, the ceilings will become discolored, necessitating constant cleaning. The maintenance process might become a nightmare and difficult.

3. Create a Strong Foundation Base

bedroom false ceiling design

With a PVC coated gypsum ceiling that isn’t as strong as a slab. As a result, be sure you know how much weight it can hold. So, before that, don’t hang any chandeliers, ceiling lights, or ornamental pieces from it. It is recommended that a layer of plywood be installed slightly above the gypsum sheet for added strength and to support the weight of the piece.

Also, before the false ceiling design installation, make sure the ceiling fan rod is put on the ceiling slab. Hang the fan rod first, whether it’s a gypsum ceiling, a hardwood ceiling, or any other lightweight ceiling.

4. They are Prone to Natural Calamities

The artificial ceiling is not made of concrete like typical ceilings. They’re made of ceiling panels that are screwed to the main ceiling. When the ground begins to vibrate during an earthquake, it may become unstable and potentially collapse. Because of the poor installation, the fitted ceiling fixtures may loosen and shift over time, finally breaking the false ceiling.

5. Seal The Gaps

Unwelcomed guests such as insects, cockroaches, and other bacteria and fungi activity are typically attracted to the hidden cracks in the fake ceiling. It could also lead to the growth of germs. The room may begin to sting if it is not properly maintained. As a result, cleaning the plug-in gaps becomes mandatory, which is typically annoying.

Despite these common false ceiling issues, most homeowners choose to install them because of their aesthetic appeal, which impacts the overall ambiance of the area. Simply ensure that the area has adequate airflow and that the ceiling is not fully covered with boards before beginning any false ceiling constructions. Some of these issues can be easily solved with the right materials and a professional false ceiling contractor. Finally, always choose high-quality gypsum board or plaster walls that are simple to clean and can sustain minor shocks.

6. Insulate Your Home

bedroom false ceiling design

Glass wool material is recommended for all residential places that are directly beneath a building’s terrace. Glasswool contributes significantly to workplace safety by providing effective thermal and acoustic insulation. Glasswool is utilized in a variety of applications, including Hollow Wall Insulation, Under-deck Insulation, False Roof Tiles, and Interior Wall Linings. As a result, efficient air conditioning with little energy usage is possible.